Fahrman, Sofi
- Elsas mode
- Elsas värld
- Elsas hemlighet

Falkner, Tammy
- Tall, tatted and tempting
- Smart, sexy and secretive
- Just jelly beans and jealousy
- Calmly, carefully, completely
- Reagan’s revenge
- Maybe Matt’s miracle

Fallon, Jane
- Rätt åt dig!
- Dumpa Matthew

Fantaskey, Beth -
- Jekel loves Hyde
- Jessica’s guide to dating on the dark side
- Jessica rules the dark side

Farrell, Julie
- The billionare’s kisses
- The billionare’s affait
- The billionare’s revenge

Fenske, Tawna
- The list
- About that fling
- Hottie lumberjack

Fforde, Katie
- Flora’s lot

Fielding, Helen
- Bridget Jones dagbok
- På spaning med Bridget Jones
- Bridget Jones: mad about the boy
- Olivia Joules fria fantasier
- Samvetets röst

Fine, Sarah
- Of Metal and Wishes

Fiore, L.A.
- Collecting the pieces

Fisher, Tarryn
- The Opportunist
- F*ck love
- Folsom
- Jackal

Fitzpatrick, Becca
- Fallen ängel
- Förlorad ängel
- Noras val
- Änglarnas kamp

Fitzpatrick, Huntley
- My life next door

Fletcher, Giovanna
- Billy and me
- You’re the one that I want
- Dream a little dream

Fletcher, Joann
- Farao – Mannen, härskaren, guden

Flinn, Alex
- Beastly, ett odjur

Flite, Nora
- The bad boy arrangement

Flynn, Beth
- Nine minutes
- Out of time
- A gift of time

Flynn, Gillian
- Gone girl

Follett, Ken
- Svärdet och spiran

Folsom, Tina
- Lawful escort

Force, Marie
- Everyone loves a hero
- Fatal affair
- Maid for love
- Fool for love
- Time for love
- Sex machine

Fortier, Anne
- Julia

Foster, Melissa
- Game of love
- Sisters in love
- Seaside dreams
- Taken by love
- Seized by love
- Healed by love

Fox, Ella
- Picture perfect

Fox, Essie
- Sömngångerskan

Frame, Janet
- Till landet är
- En ängel vid mitt bord
- Sändebud från Spegelsalen

Frame, Mary
- Imperfect chemistry
- Imperfectly criminal
- Practically imperfect
- Anything but extraordinary
- A life less extraordinary
- Extraordinary world

Frazier, T. M.
- King
- Tyrant
- Lawless
- Soulless
- All the rage
- The dark light of day
- Dark needs

Frederick, Jen
- Undeclared
- Undressed
- Unspoken
- Unraveled
- Unrequited
- Sacked
- Revealed to him

French, Kat
- Undertaking love
- The piano man project

French, Nicole
- After party

Frost, Jeaniene
- Halvvägs till graven
- Med ena foten i graven
- Där graven tar vid
- Dömd till en tidig grav
- This Side of the Grave
- One Grave at a Time
- Up From the Grave


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